Little Box Sauna Blog

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LBS Build: Day 07

Today, we purchased all of our cedar boards for our finishes and furniture! Half will come to Rapid City for the interior, and the other half will arrive in Bloomington for the exterior. IMG_20150105_195507

We learned all about special order nuances at Menards, for example:

  • there's an additional charge for repackaging of items that come in larger shipping units than your order
  • some shipping is more expensive to Rapid City than to Minneapolis, though, you can't generalize, you have to look and compare item to item
  • orders for some items you can order in any quantity, other items have to be in specific multiples, like in 17's
  • if it's an item they usually stock, you can return it! (if not, you're stuck)


And the brake controller for the trailer has arrived.